How cute animals are

Animals are the cutest! When you ask people what their favorite animal is they won’t say like pig or cow. Every farm animal is excluded from the list of possible favorite animals. I really don’t understand that, because they’re exactly as cute as the other animals. When most people say Read more…

The Buddhist Chef

On this site you will find delicious vegan recepies. Like vegan pizza, guacamole, tofu scramble (my mother loves doing that it’s delicious), and far more things. We use one of those recepies for vegan pancakes. You should definitely check it out. Jean Phillip is the amazing chef

Fight with a friend

Last Friday, I had a fight with a friend of mine. It’s a long story so it’s gonna be a long post. When last year, me and my class had a school trip, it ended badly. Me and an other”friend” that’s apparently vegetarian got excluded by the others because we Read more…

Nicknames for vegan food

At home we eat a lot of vegan food that’s supposed to be a bit like meat or cheese. So we gave the different ingredients names. Here are some examples :  Ingredient ] New nickname ] Reason Vegan chicken ] Pofu ] ”P” from Poulet in French(chicken) and ”ofu” from Read more…

Vegan Magnum

Remember I told you there were lots of vegan ice creams? Well Magnum has just brought out two vegan types of ice creams. You can get in Delhaize Belval, that’s where I usually get them from. My opinion, the one on the left with nuts is much better, but the’re Read more…


Remember that author I talked to you about? Well, she published an other book. ←link 🤗 Yay… I got it for my birthday, so I’ve read it already. I find it’s not as good as her other books, but it’s still very good. You should definitely read it; and her Read more…

Restaurant Glow

Glow : 2 Rue Xavier de Feller, Luxembourg Glow is more like a healthy vegan place. Like salads and soups.That’s why i prefer beet but it’s still delicious and it’s really nice knowing there is restaurants that do vegan dishes, even if Glow is not completely vegan😡. Some bakeries are vegetarian.